2015 Economic Impact - By the Numbers

OCIB's economic impact has surpassed $1.9 billion.
Read the full report

Industry News

Other Efforts

Programs for Oklahoma Small Businesses Owners

The Capital Access Program

Through its Capital Access Program (OCAP), the Board provides credit insurance to banks and other lending institutions. OCAP allows these lending institutions to stretch their loan capabilities and offer more opportunities to Oklahoma’s small business borrowers.

    "If it were not for the OCAP loan from Great Plains National Bank of Hollis, Bullet Transportation would have dissolved and gone away."
- Jim A. Passmore, President, Bullet Transportation, Inc.

Programs for Entrepreneurs

In 2004, through its VIP, the Board initiated a unique investment opportunity with a $7.5 million lead commitment to Oklahoma Equity Partners. OEP is designed to identify a wide variety of potential venture capital investment opportunities within the state.

    “Without an organization like OCIB, some of the current OKC biotech company success stories would not have occurred. One of the most difficult hurdles for new companies - anywhere in the US - is obtaining early stage venture capital. In the case of Hyalose LLC, we were able to pay operating costs and patent expenses during a critical early period because of the OCIB investment in the Emergent-Oklahoma fund."
- Dr. Paul Weigel, University of Oklahoma Professor and co-inventor of a unique recumbent method for producing hyaluronic acid (HA).