Technology Ventures Summit
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Submit Your Deal

We invite Oklahoma companies to apply to present their deal at the Technology Ventures Summit being held in Tulsa February 15-16, 2011. Twelve finalists will give their presentations the morning of February 16. All participants' Executive Summaries will be included in the Summit Booklets.

Deadline for submission is January 14, 2011. All submissions will be judged by a panel of experts and the twelve finalist companies will be notified by January 21, 2011. Presenting companies will have access to mentors and must deliver their presentations to TVS by February 4.  

For more information regarding the Technology Venture Summit please go to Following are the selection criteria for the company presentations. Each company must be engaged in commercializing a technology.

Applicants need to submit an Executive Summary no longer than 4 pages to that contains the following:

1. Company Overview (10 Points)

    Presents a history, current status, strategy, and objectives for the business.
2. Products or Services (20 Points)
    Describes the key features and benefits, current stage of development, proprietary position, and competitive advantages of the product or service.
3. Market and Competitive Analysis (15 Points)
    Presents the growth trends and key driving forces of the industry; identifies the key characteristics and needs of the target market(s); assesses the competitive environment; addresses distribution and pricing; demonstrates market acceptance for the product or service.
4. Management Team (10 Points)
    Backgrounds, history, and roles of key individuals; ability to work as an effective team; personnel needs; organizational structure.
5. Operating Strategies (15 Points)
    Addresses the marketing, production, research and development, personnel, administrative, and financial strategies for the business.
6. Critical Risks (10 Points)
    Realistically identifies the major internal and external critical risks that could threaten the business.
7. Income Statement (10 Points)
    Demonstrates realistic and attractive income potential of the business; the income statement is consistent with the operating and marketing strategies outlined in the body of the plan; income statement information provides projections through 5 years.
8. Funds Required/Used (10 Points)
    Presentation of amount, timing, and use of funds required for the venture.

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